Friday, January 1, 2016


May the truth be told,
But I cant ever express 
How i really feel.

This pain
Holding me back
Forbidding me from doing any more.

I don't want anything to change between us
I don't want to let go of my feelings
I don't want to take that leap forward.

I want to go through this 
Like you never said anything to me
I just want it back to this normal time
When we never felt anything for each other
When we saw each others as equals in the world.

Why does liking someone
Always makes people weird
ARound each other
Around those who they know?

This annoyance of how i feel
Of how i am around you
How i see you
They all change
At a blink of an eye.

Yet every second
I think I want to see you
I want to talk to you
I want to see how you are doing
I have no idea why
But all these thoughts perceive me
Constantly, time after time
day after day
My mind wanders off 
To this world
Where happiness is there 
Yet I don't grasp it
Because i run away
That is what i wish to do now
So forgive me.